Sunday, January 20, 2008

Quilt In a Day?

I'm on to the next quilt and I'm wondering if I can't finish the top in one day. Hmmmmm.

I've got the material cut and I'm ready to sew. I'll get after it and see what happens. It's 1:41 pm.

4:27 pm - All the strips are sewn together and I'm ready to start cutting them into the little squares.5:54 pm - Blocks are cut and laid out in pattern. Next, I need to square up the blocks and start sewing them together. 10:25 pm - I've got the top sewn together, but I don't have the borders on yet. That may have to wait until tomorrow.

1:59 am - I finished it!! It's tomorrow, though, so technically it took two days. I'm hitting the hay....

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