Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fabulous eBay

First of all, I'd like to give a shout out to my sweet brother on his birthday. He's a great dad to my two best girls and husband to my angel. He's also the best brother a girl could ever ask for. I LOVE YOU BROTHER!

I've always been a big eBay fan - now I'm a HUGE eBay fan! I got a new issue of a quilting magazine in and it had an article about buying already completed quilt blocks on eBay. Who knew? Not me.

Check out my first two purchases - a whopping 40 Nine-Patch squares and 12 really pretty flower in stars blocks. I can't wait to put these togther. I've got plenty of scrap fabric to create sashing and borders, so the sky's the limit. Plus, the tops I make from these could be completed in a day easily. Wahooooo!

1 comment:

Shari Degman said...

I had no idea you could sew let alone make some beautiful quilts! Cool hobby. If I could ever see anything that I started through, I might be able to do something amazing too! Shari